Adello Vineyard and Winery

Several members of the club visited Adello Vineyard and Winery. All of their fruit wines are made with locally grown fruits. Pictured are Linda, Rita, Pam, Carol, and Deb. It was a wonderful way to spend a Friday afternoon.

January 2025 Library Lesson

December’s story time complimented our snowy, winter weather.  Kathy read “There was a Cold Lady who Swallowed Some Snow.”  Following the story, the children used homemade playdough balls.  They rolled out the balls and used cookie cutters in various shapes.  Before leaving, the children enjoyed snowy, powdered donut holes or balls.  Thank you to Kathy Hagenbaugh, Pam Mertz, and Carol Hall for this library lesson.

December 2024 Library Lesson

This month the book Ten Little Snowmen was read to the children. After the story the children made a snowman of their own using small pieces of cut-up paper. Afterwards, they ate the snowman cupcakes that were made by Ann Marie. Thank you to the volunteers: Katharine, Pam, Ann Marie, Carol, and Kelly. Parents, please sign up at the library to see us on January 31 at the library for a fun time.

LeRoux Dance School Performance

At our December’s meeting, Kelly Stento, club member and CEO of LeRoux Dance School, arranged to have her dance students perform several dance numbers from Celebrate the Season. Their performances were breathtaking and beautiful. Their poise, grace, and performance delighted everyone. Thank you to Kelly Stento, dancers, and parents for giving us the opportunity to have them perform for us.

November Library Lesson

Our November library story time had a special guest: author Dorothy McCluskey. She read her book, Counting with Animal Friends. In Dorothy’s book each illustration had a hidden mouse. The children enjoyed finding the mouse. It is a delightful story filled with beautiful illustrations by Dorothy. After the story, the children colored their favorite animal from the story and decorated their page with stickers. Before leaving, the children had a cookie and counted the number of M&M’s on each cookie. Mark your calendars for our next 2 story times: December 20 and January 31.

2024 Bazaar

The Woman’s Club of Royersford say, “Thank you,” to all the people who attended, shopped for bargains, and entered the raffles contributing to the success of our first inaugural bazaar. The room buzzed with holiday spirit and merry conversations. This bazaar put the “fun” in fundraising. A special thank you to Katharine Nelson, the bazaar chair. Also, thank you to our artistic club crafters and club members who contributed their attic treasures. Furthermore, a thank you to our various crews who on Saturday helped set up, manned the tables, and cleaned up at the end of the bazaar. Seeing our community come together at our bazaar brought much happiness and joy. Finally, thank you to Sacred Heart Church for the use of their cafe.

October Library Lesson

Kathi read Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley. The children enjoyed the humorous story about a green monster that eventually went away. The interactive activity kept the children engage with the story. After the story the children make monsters using paper plates, stickers, and crayons. Before leaving, the children ate monsters made from donuts. Mark your calendars for our next library lesson, November 22, and meet our guest author.

Senior Class of 2024 Scholarships

At the annual Spring-Ford Commencement Awards Ceremony club member Dr. Elaine Meils presented the following scholarship awards to truly deserving seniors. Rebecca Riley –Creative Writing Award. Molina Sawyers - Excellent in Art Scholarship, Chiara Carroll – Musical Theatre Award, Brayden Rush Written/Spoken English Award, and Mayank Sengunta – The Tammy Klotzbach Scholarship Award for Outstanding Service to the Community.

2024 Festival of the Arts Awards

7th & 8th Grade Art Awards:


1st Place Johnavi Vatsal “Musca Domestica”

2nd Place Isabelle Chu “Shoe Study”

3rd Place Bella Wood “Creative Eye”


1st Place Charley Allander “Marilyn Monroe”

2nd Place Bella Jones “Stevie Wonder”

3rd Place Abby Quinn “Koi”

9th – 12 Grade Art Awards:


1st Place Melina Sawyers “Symphonies”

2nd Place Victoria Chu “Swing”

3rd Place Nanditha Paila “Self Reflection”


1st Place Lila Weingarten “Balance of Life” (ceramics)

2nd Place Faith Miller “Friends or Foes” (jewelry)

3rd Place Jessica Vanisko “Nature Reclaimed” (jewelry)


1st Place Sadie Klein “Skeletal Study”

2nd Place Maggie Sawyers “Winds of Change”

3rd Place Denise Morales “Self Portrait”


1st Place Bianca Budaji “Dance Around”

2nd Place Erin Wirant “Respite in Indulgence”

3rd Place Julianna Woehr “Artists Life”

May's library activity centered around the book Should I Share my Ice Cream? by Mo Willems. After the children heard the story read by Kelly, the children made ice cream cones and glued them on paper plates to share with their loved ones. The activity ended with ice cream cone cupcakes made by Ann Marie. The time flew by and everyone had a fun time. See you in the fall.

2024 Fashion Show

Our 2024 Springtime in a Victorian Garden Luncheon and Fashion Show showcased fashions from White House Black Market Outlet at Philadelphia Premium Outlets and Rust and Sparkle Boutique in Royersford. All who attended, enjoyed the event held at Chadwick's in Audubon. There were many winners for the 50/50, gift card tree, and raffle baskets. The decorations and atmosphere took us all back in time, especially "The Stroll through the Garden" contest.

In addition, the profits from this fundraiser went to “The Wardrobe,” formerly “Wings for Success,” a Chester County non-profit organization whose mission is to empower women and girls in need to achieve career and economic stability through education, apparel and advocacy. Finally an appreciative thank you to all the staff at Chadwick's, guests, and club members, who without their help, this show would not be possible.

110th Anniversary

At the April meeting the club celebrated their 110 years of community service.  Some members dressed in Victorian attire since the club was founded during that time period. Honorary guests were Joe Ciresi, PA Congressman; Alex Metricarti, Mayor of Royersford; and Tom DiBello, Commissioner of Montgomery County. Alex presented a plaque in recognition for club's service to the community to 1st Vice President, Kristina Logan. Also recognized were honorary members: Cleo Bartholomew, Joyce Straub, and Joan Clark.

In addition, past presidents were recognized:  Lorraine Pickell, Katharine Nelson, and current president Pam Mertz.  Thank you to Coleen Pontin, June McGinn, and Lorraine Pickell for making scrapbooks to preserve our history.  Stay tuned as the club continues to serve the community and host fundraisers to support organizations that help others.

April 2024 Meeting

At the club’s 110th anniversary monthly meeting, Sweet Adelines provided the entertainment.  They are a group of talented women who sing barbershop harmony and make it fun.  In honor of our 110th anniversary, they sang songs from past years to present.  These remarkable singers received a standing ovation.

March 2024 Meeting

At the March meeting the Woman's Club of Royersford welcomed Senator Katie Muth.  She shared her concerns for our neighbors and our state.  Katie is very passionate about the environment, and she is an advocate for common sense change.

In addition, she urged everyone to reach out to her with any concern or problem.  Katie is working diligently to have common sense laws.  She is an advocate for people and families who have been affected by flooding and other acts of nature.  Thank you, Katie, for taking the time to speak with us.

2024 Bingo Bonanza

Wow! Thank you to everyone who participated in our bingo event.  A special thank you to Rita Leary-Bullard for her leadership in planning and organizing this fundraiser as well as all the members and businesses who sponsored a purse and consolation prizes: Katharine Nelson, the Pontin Family, Annamarie’s Place, Julia’s Gems & Jewelry, Campbell & Klotzbach Funeral Home, Katie Muth, Vera Grill Realtor, Le Roux School of Dance, Main Street Café, Phoenixville Crematory, Emerald Kitchen and Bath, Cypress Wealth Partners, Superior Credit Union, St. Petro Associates, Natural Solutions Nutrition, McCormick Chiropractic, Cattermole-Klotzbach Funeral Home, Brian Reed Realtor, Cassidy, Connor & Pitchford Law, Beyond Cuticles, Kelly Insurance Agency, Spring-Ford Dental, and Velvet Luxe Salon.

In addition, thank you to the volunteers who helped set up and break down all the paraphernalia.  Also, a big thank you to all our club members who donated gift cards for our gift card tree and raffle baskets. Check out the pictures because you will see smiles galore as everyone had fun playing bingo, winning raffle baskets and hanging out with their group.

Our monthly story time at the library celebrated Dr Seuss's birthday and read Across America day on March 1st. Kelly read the book My Many Colored Days by Dr Seuss and planned the craft where the children made paper plates with colorful streamers to wave to music. Ann Marie made delicious marshmallow Trix cereal treats on pretzel sticks for snack. The children really seem to enjoy their time with us.

At our February meeting, Karl and Kim Hoffman shared an emotional story of their baby Ellie who was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Their baby Ellie was born with two gaps in her esophagus and a nearly interrupted aortic arch.

In other words, the left side of her heart was missing. The doctors did everything possible to save Ellie. As Karl shared Ellie’s story, there wasn’t a dry eye. Her struggle ended on April 2, 2018, at approximately 3 months of age. The Hoffmans took this traumatic and harrowing experience and created The Ellie Effect to honor Ellie’s life and to be the difference for those in need, especially those in the heart defect community.

On March 24, The Ellie Effect is having a blood drive. Visit their website for more information. Baby Ellie had over 80 blood transfusions and your help is needed.

This month at the Royersford Public Library the children had a fun time. Kathy Hagenbaugh read The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. Ann Marie made snowball cookies and Katharine made hot chocolate with marshmallows. The craft was homemade play dough and the kids used cookie cutters to make their own special snowflake or other designs.